University of African Arts Featured Image

The University of African Art is an intellectual and artistic network of artists, scholars, curators, collectors, students, lovers, and supporters of the art of Africa and its Diasporas.

University of African Art


We only post about art on this website.

Nothing but art, please!

Art only.

It’s true that the definition of art is sometimes loose.
But we try to keep it tight as best as we can.

Remember, this is our African Art University.

Publish Your Art

It is our code of honor to support and encourage originality, persistence, and hard work for the production of true and lasting masterpieces, toward the service and elevation of humanity, and the promotion of creativity.

View Members’ Directory

Our membership directory can be viewed by members who have signed up for our free membership, verified their email, and have been approved.


This is free and open to all. We only have one rule; we are all about African Art, do not digress, thank you!

Art by Ben Onuorah titled Ancestors, Clans & Kinsmen

Art by Ben Onuorah titled Ancestors, Clans & Kinsmen, published here on the African Arts Facebook Group.